depresi? saya?

seseorang yang mengalami gangguan depresi juga akan mengalami hal hal seperti nafsu makan berubah secara mencolok (berat badan dapat meningkat atau menurun tanpa upaya yang disengaja), mengalami kesulitan tidur hampir setiap malam (kesulitan untuk mulai tidur, terbangun tengah malam, terbangun lebih dini, atau tidur berlebihan), berbicara atau bergerak lebih lambat daripada biasanya, kehilangan kepercayaan diri atau merasa tidak berharga, merasa bersalah atau mempersalahkan diri sendiri, mengalami kesulitan berpikir atau berkonsentrasi. Dan yang lebih parah adalah adanya keinginan  untuk menyakiti diri sendiri, ingin bunuh diri atau bahkan telah melakukan usaha untuk mengakhiri hidup.
Terkadang seseorang tidak menyadari dirinya mengalami depresi karena biasanya gejala yang muncul berupa gangguan fisik seperti sakit di ulu hati (maag) yang tidak kunjung membaik, sakit kepala menahun, sakit kulit, dan lain lain.


Now I’m getting old… My birthday was on 3rd august. Many people who will celebrate it with their family,friends or lover. But it’s not me… Since 15th years old I realize that growing older means nothing. Why would I like to celebrate the fact that I am getting older? It’s so silly for me. Although I hate birthday party, sometimes I did it with my friends but sometime they are destroying my expectation about birthday party. It should be fun to prepare and held it. But I didn’t, it’s because some of my friends are always disappointed me. They suddenly calls me and tell they will be late or even the worst is they said that they can’t come. Oh damn!!!
Another reason why I hate birthday party is, I always have to make a fake smile. Many people think that we should be happy because it’s a birthday. But not for me,for me birthday party is a event that will hurt you more. Because people will talking about you all day long, start with a good point about you, then they will making a comment about your party and it will be continued to your bad point. I’m tired for making a fake smile when I held a birthday party.

It is just my opinion, if you don’t agree with it,I would like to say sorry… °•(>̯┌┐<)•°

my problem…

Inilah salah satu alasan kenapa saya ingin bunuh diri.. Rasanya tuh meaningless saya idup.. Nyokap gak tau apa kesukaan saya,apa penyakit langganan saya,bokap yg cm mikir ttg ms dpn saya tp gak tau karakter saya.. *mereka mungkin cm tau kulit dr karakter saya. Adek saya yg selalu kaya malaikat di mata orang tua saya. Sampai-sampai kalau saya komentar ttg sikap salah adek saya tuh orang tua saya berfikir kalau saya iri. *saya selalu menjadi tokoh antagonis saat saya membela diri saya sendiri. (Anda heran? Sayapun juga). Kakak saya yang kehidupannya sukses *kata orang kampung nih, suami,anak,rumah pribadi,mobil dan kerjaan mapan. Idup saya selalu dibayang-bayangi mereka. Kadang kalau saya pulang kerumah,saya suka mikir “hubungan saya dengan keluarga saya gmn sih?” “Saya disini tuh siapa n ngapain?” (Bukan karna saya jarang pulang tp saya merasa asing dengan hidup saya sendiri) Saya pengen mati *saya tau ini dosa,tp serius deh pikiran ini selalu lewat di kepala saya. Saya tau mati gak enak. Saya pernah diceritain dan diceramahi sm temen yang pernah ikut kebaktian “trip to hell” (*saya muslim). Saya pun pernah ikut acara perkembangan psikologis yg menyatakan “bunuh diri itu bodoh”. Tp saya menganggap itu sangatlah nonsense. Ah biarlah ini cm ad di pikiran saya yang bodoh ini. LOL

the end of us – the start of my better life

when u decide to leave me
i feel like a cold breeze has been hit my heart
when u said its better for us to be separate
i feel like dizziness not only come to my head but also my heart too
and i realize that we aren’t in good order anymore
we just need time to understand and make a good decision

those words feels like a big hammer which crush over my heart
cold meat has getting a great beat in my head
we aren’t good enough to continue this relationship
how funny we are right now
we can’t smile nor cry
we just can see our shadow leaving further away

let’s just say goodbye for the past
and say heloo for the future
let’s have a big smile for people around us
just forget our bad terms
it just a little mistake so we can growing up better

Singing is not my talent (i guess)

I have been singing since i was born.. Hhaha.. But after i join at university i stop my singing activity.. So my ability at singing was drop a lot.. And today.. I try to go to karaoke room.. And what a shame, i always got low score.. Its always about 60-80.. And my other frinds who always singing with everything style they want, they got big score… So what should i do now.. I really want singing again.. Next time i will give u my video when i’m singing.. Bubye..

With love