Now I’m getting old… My birthday was on 3rd august. Many people who will celebrate it with their family,friends or lover. But it’s not me… Since 15th years old I realize that growing older means nothing. Why would I like to celebrate the fact that I am getting older? It’s so silly for me. Although I hate birthday party, sometimes I did it with my friends but sometime they are destroying my expectation about birthday party. It should be fun to prepare and held it. But I didn’t, it’s because some of my friends are always disappointed me. They suddenly calls me and tell they will be late or even the worst is they said that they can’t come. Oh damn!!!
Another reason why I hate birthday party is, I always have to make a fake smile. Many people think that we should be happy because it’s a birthday. But not for me,for me birthday party is a event that will hurt you more. Because people will talking about you all day long, start with a good point about you, then they will making a comment about your party and it will be continued to your bad point. I’m tired for making a fake smile when I held a birthday party.

It is just my opinion, if you don’t agree with it,I would like to say sorry… °•(>̯┌┐<)•°

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